Tips For Controlling Bad Breath When On The Road

If you frequently find yourself out of town working at a client's site, you'll want to make a good impression. How you dress and your demeanor are two factors that affect the working relationship with your client. Your breath can be another factor, especially if you have problems with bad breath. Here are some tips to take with you on the road to make sure that your breath doesn't turn off your clients.

1. Be mindful of what you eat and when.

Lunch with your client is a poor time to eat foods that contain pungent ingredients, such as onions or garlic. These foods will stay in your stomach for several hours, churning up odors that can find their way back up into your throat. Brushing and flossing after such a meal does little to counteract these odors. Save these meals for the evening when there will be several hours until you have contact with your client again.

2. Brush your tongue as part of your daily dental hygiene.

Your tongue is covered with small bumps that help to move the food around in your mouth as you chew. The bumps, along with the folds and ridges on your tongue, trap odor-producing bacteria. Brushing and flossing leaves bacteria on your tongue that contribute to tooth decay and bad breath. Brush your tongue with toothpaste or use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria. Your  dental hygienist can recommend a tongue scraper and show you the proper way to use it.

3. Rinse with the right mouthwash for added protection.

Use only mouthwashes that state they are anti-microbial. They will kill more of the bacteria in the mouth that can cause bad breath. If you have a particularly tough problem with bad breath, your dentist can give you a prescription strength mouthwash that is even more effective.

4. Take control of your heartburn.

If you have frequent heartburn, you risk having bad breath as the stomach acid makes its way back up into the esophagus and throat. If you have a mild case of heartburn, over-the-counter antacids may be effective enough to control the problem. For more severe cases, your doctor can prescribe a medication that is taken before you eat to reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces.

5. Keep your mouth moist.

A dry mouth is another cause of mouth odor. Simply keeping your mouth moist will reduce this problem. Sip water throughout the day to keep your moist. If you enjoy chewing gum, have your dentist recommend a sugarless variety so you don't develop other dental problems while keeping your mouth moist.

To learn more, contact a company like Legacy Dental Arts
