How To Prevent Dry Socket After Tooth Extractions

Dry socket refers to when the protective blood clot becomes dislodged from the socket of a tooth that was recently extracted. When the blood clot falls out, it can expose the nerves and the underlying bone, resulting in severe pain. Dry socket can also slow down the healing process and raise the risk of infections after tooth extractions. Here are some things you can do to help prevent your protective blood clots from falling out following your tooth extractions.

Avoid Creating A Suction

While your dentist may recommend that you rinse your mouth with warm salt water after your tooth extraction, you will need to do so gently and avoid swishing the liquid around your mouth. Doing so can create a suction that can dislodge your protective clot and cause dry socket. In addition, you will also need to avoid smoking and drinking through a straw because these activities can also create a suction, causing your clot to fall out. If you need to drink through a straw because you are unable to open your mouth, do so very slowly and gently to create the least amount of suction inside your mouth. 

Avoid Certain Foods And Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Another way you can help prevent dry sockets after your tooth extractions is to avoid eating certain foods until your dentist tells you that you can resume your normal diet. Eating foods that are sticky, such as caramel, can dislodge your clot, and nuts, popcorn, and seeds can get stuck in the socket and cause it to loosen or fall out. Instead, choose soft foods such as mashed potatoes, puddings, gelatins, applesauce, and soup, which are less likely to disrupt the blood clot.

When eating soup or other foods and beverages, making sure that they are not too hot will also help prevent clot damage. You will also need to maintain good oral hygiene after your tooth extractions. Brushing vigorously may dislodge your blood and cause dry socket so follow your dentist's oral hygiene recommendations. If you do not maintain a good oral hygiene routine after your tooth extractions, bacteria may build up in the sockets which can damage the protective clots and cause them to break down.

If you are anticipating tooth extractions, consider the following interventions to help lower your risk of developing dry socket. It is important to note that if your protective clot does fall out despite the above interventions, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. By doing so, your dentist can treat the problem before it escalates into something more serious, such as excessive bleeding and severe gum infection.

For more information on tooth extractions, contact a company near you.
