Important Details To Know Before Getting A Dental Crown

Having damaged and discolored teeth can take their toll on your confidence. You may never want to smile, unfortunately. However, you can restore these imperfect teeth with dental crowns. If you're considering such a procedure, it's important to know these details first. Good Candidates In order for dental crowns to work effectively, especially long-term, you need to be the ideal candidate for them. Luckily, there are many great candidates for such a procedure. [Read More]

Maintaining Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent way to replace missing or broken teeth. Given proper care, an implant can last the rest of your life, and you may only need to have the crown that attaches to the metal implant replaced every 10 to 15 years. Implants do require proper care to stay intact and looking great. Like natural teeth, dental implants require regular proper cleaning to remove plaque, food, and tartar buildup. [Read More]

Signs You Have A Broken Filling And Types Of Filling Materials You Can Choose

If you have a broken filling it is important that you visit your dentist to get it taken care of. If you do not, you could lose the tooth. Below are some symptoms you will have if you do break a filling, along with the different types of filling materials that ae available. Signs of a Broken Filling One of the main symptoms of a broken filling is a bad toothache. [Read More]

How To Quickly Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth

There are a lot of different factors to consider when you want to improve the look of your smile. How white are your teeth? Are they straight, or crooked? Are they uneven from being worn down? All of these problems can be tackled by a dentist, but it can take time and money to fix them all individually. The good thing is, cosmetic dentists can correct the look of your smile very quickly with just one thing: veneers. [Read More]