Three Reasons To Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

When you decide to do something about your crooked smile, your first stop will likely be to visit a local orthodontist to talk about your teeth alignment options. While you might be thinking that braces will be right for you, you might be interested to learn about Invisalign. Many orthodontists can provide Invisalign treatments for their patients, and while this form of treatment achieves many of the same results as traditional braces, the method by which it achieves them is dramatically different. [Read More]

Don't Be Afraid To Report These Issues To Your Dentist After You Get A Filling

It's a satisfying feeling to have your dentist fill a cavity, given that you'll know you've taken a big step toward improving your dental health. While you'll normally give the tooth filling little to no thought in the days that follow the procedure, there's a chance that you might experience some type of issue with the area. Don't just ignore whatever you're noticing. Instead, call your dentist's office and explain the issue. In many cases, the dentist will ask you to revisit so that he or she can inspect the filling and deal with whatever you're experiencing. [Read More]

Reasons To Choose Dental Veneers Instead Of Braces

If you're an adult who feels slightly embarrassed about his or her crooked teeth, you might be thinking about getting braces. Before you visit an orthodontist, however, consider booking an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns. Depending on the number of crooked teeth that you have and the degree to which they're crooked, your dentist might advocate dental veneers. This type of cosmetic dentistry can often be a worthwhile alternative to getting braces. [Read More]

Dos And Don'ts Of Dealing With A Partially Dislodged Bonded Retainer

If you had braces or other orthodontic work when you were younger, you may continue to wear a bonded retainer. This strip of wire, which you might call a "permanent wire," is affixed to the backs of several teeth in order to keep them straight. The manner in which it's bonded to the teeth means that you likely won't have problems with it, but there's a slight possibility that one end of the wire could loosen over time. [Read More]